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Best Ways To Frame And Tell Visual Stories

Best Ways To Frame And Tell Visual Stories
Do you notice how some people look into the details at the macro level in everything that they do? They weave the best of stories in every little piece of work around their home, and that makes them so unique, doesn’t it?

It is a matter of individuality, but you too can be a visual storyteller or an artist by using the simplest things. If you plan to be among the 70% of Americans to redecorate your homes this year, then you are at the right place. Here, you will get some ideas on doing it with a little bit of quirky storyline running under it. Photographs can help you tell the story, and through the use of proper frames, you too can be one. Let us check how the frames from the stores like AK Frames, UK can open the floodgates of your storytelling flow.

Get a Theme or Plan in Mind

This is the exact way how you would plan to write a novel or a story. Define the theme in mind as that will help you to get the snaps in order. While you might begin by selecting the snaps, you may want to look for details in each picture you have. Do you want to use these snaps of your son or daughter in designing their room? Select the snaps from their life’s best events and frame them.

This would be a great step to begin with and improve the wall’s appeal significantly. Our pick would be the classic range walnut & rosewood collection as it promises a lot of style and durability. It will give the warmth of rich wood to enhance the earthiness of the snap.

Focus and Never Miss it

You should look for focusing on the people in the snap. The frames will take the focus to a whole new level. If you check out the Imperial Range Oak & Country Pine collection from the AK Frames UK store, you will realize there is more variety than you could imagine. These dark-toned frames are not very thick and can establish the grit you wish to portray.

Also, the rich country pine tones can bring in the texture your image wants to tell. These would be ideal for focusing on the action the person in the photos is doing. They take the depth of the motion one notch up thereby, helping your storytelling more effectively.

The One Big Picture

You have an option to go for a series of images in a collage or a single photo to do the talking for you. How is it possible to tell a story with a single image? It is possible if you want to portray the emotions of that image. Imagine taking a panoramic snap after trekking up barehanded to the summit. This snap by itself would be a clear display of your prowess. Go for a thin frame of Classic Range Walnut & Rosewood if you are planning just to give it all the focus it deserves. It can be a big large image to just cover on a wall.

Visualize Your Story’s Presentation

You should try to arrange the photos in a straight line and see for yourself how it looks. Does it convey the meaning you intended it to? Getting the plain straight lines with the frames would be enough to not take away the sense from the photos.

A straightforward but creative approach is what your storytelling needs. Thus, do not complicate it by including too many images. You, too, can be the narrator you wanted to be in life, albeit with still pictures.